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Monday, March 10, 2014

Blog about Twitter

Twitter discussion is concise and exciting compared to Blackboard Discussion. Although they are both online discussions, being able to type on my phone than on a computer screen makes it more interesting and fun. Compared to in class discussion, Twitter has more succinct discussion because there are word limits so we have to say something meaningful within certain limit. I really hate how sometimes people digress during discussion in class and talk about something very off-topic or boring, but during Twitter discussion, the whole conversation seems alive and exciting. However, the word limit also throws me off because I can’t say what I want to say all in one tweet. I have to tweet multiple tweets for one argument. In brief, I would rather do twitter discussion than blackboard discussion because it does not seem like a task but rather a casual conversation.


  1. I think I personally prefer in-class discussions because I like to have a full argument going back and forth with everything explained in detail. If someone does go off topic, then just give them a small reminder before they start rambling! I think it's preferable compared to Twitter because through online discussions, you'd have to wait for a reply and then your excitement about the argument may start to fade away. But then again, that might not be the case for everybody!

  2. I agree that Twitter discussions seem like less of a task, and more of a casual conversation. However, I find it difficult to say things in a sentence or two because I’m a very wordy person when I’m typing. It just feels like I’m not being clear when I try to type only a sentence or two. Or, I’d have to spend a lot of time thinking about how to say something briefly so that people can understand my main point, which is actually troublesome to think so intensely just to write a short message. I’d rather just go rambling on and on when I type because it’s fun typing! Then again, I may actually feel this way because I usually don’t type things until I think things through. See? I’m a very wordy person. :D
