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:) Thanks for visiting my page! My name is Caroline and I go to Baruch College!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Next New Thing

It is like Facebook. It is like Tumblr. It is kind of like Youtube, too. What is it? It is an artistic people oriented social media app that allows audio and video comments and let you edit your audio and videos with free high tech software. It provides you with both like and dislike buttons just like Youtube. If you see someone posting a selfie every 4 hours, you can dislike the post to show your annoyance. Of course, it will be anonymous dislike! I wouldn’t want anyone to kill each other over my innovation. You will get two different lists once you join. One list is for your friends who add you and who you accept, and another is for fans, whose requests you don’t accept. You have control over anything you post.

As it allows people to post different videos and photos, it is crucial to set age restrictions and give warnings to sensitive audience. Once you sign up, you will be asked questions like “What is your age?”, “Do you mind seeing bloody stuffs in your newsfeed?” and “Check this box if you wish NOT to see horror posts and videos”. All publishers should be honest when they upload videos. If they don’t categorize the videos truthfully, they will be banned from the site and their account will be deleted.

Will it bring people together? It will because it encourages honesty and applauds creativity. You can be honest and critical about everyone’s creations while respecting them. You can give advice to amateur video editors and photographers. It is not only for professionals but also for amateurs to grow and expand our community. Unlike Facebook, it will also allow background layout so everyone can be unique. You can insert background music along with layout so your friends and fans will be entertained when they stalk your profile for long minutes.

The only term and condition you have to accept is to be honest. After all, the app’s name is O-Nex! It will be the birth of Nex technology era.


  1. This sounds like a great idea for future development. O-Nex seems to allow a lot more than just what all the current social media sites have to offer. The option to dislike posts would definitely be helpful as it may help notify the poster that the post should probably be removed. The one thing that I would like to know more about is the types of questions that would be asked on account creation, because those questions seem crucial to the whole idea of O-Nex.

  2. I will let you know about "Sign-up questions” once I put this idea into effect. As of now, this is a draft idea.
